More Than Two Months of Crickets

With a subject line like that, I’m sure my teacher-writer friends and natural science enthusiasts, Tim and Christie, are hoping for real crickets.  (Sadly, not this post.  Perhaps in the spring?)

Nor, thankfully, is this post about a plague of biblical proportions.  After all, we’re still in a global pandemic.  Adding a meteorological event featuring millions of insects would be a little bit over the top, (although my late, great, hedgehog Duncan would have loved it).

No, these crickets are of the metaphorical kind, garnished with a dollop of guilt.

I knew it had been a while since I had posted on my blog, but I had no idea until I set out to write this post that it had been more than two months.   Covid-19 has done bizarre things to the space-time continuum, and I do well to remember what day it is.

I’m not teaching at the moment, due to having an autoimmune disease and doctors’ orders to stay away from the classroom.  I’m a substitute teacher, so no one is really missing me — not the way I’m missing them — and so my days just drift by, looking much the same, one after another.  Were it not for the fact I have the heat on, I might not even realize it’s no longer summer.

The stagnation of so many months looking the same has led to my creative well drying up.  But after making a break from my own bubble of safety to a friend’s bubble of safety in a different province in recent weeks, my Muse suddenly woke up, stretched, looked around, and decided that — among other things — this blog no longer suits her.

Stay tuned for renovations, now that the crickets have been evicted!

PS — Tim?  You’re going to have to tweak your sidebar when I’m done. *wink*

This post was created as part of Two Writing Teachers’ Slice of Life Challenge

You can view other writers’ contributions via the comments here.


  • Okay, I’m a little disappointed that there weren’t real crickets, but I’m excited to read that you’re back on the blog page! I’m looking forward to updating my sidebar with whatever it is you bring to us, and I’m glad your muse is back. It’s rough when they are off on vacation!

  • Karen, thank you for this! You capture so many truths about life these days and the bizarre pandemic world we live in. And, yes, we have all had our share of crickets! Blogging can feel like going to the gym. We skip a week and suddenly months have gone by before we know it! It takes courage to dive back in! I am glad that you are here, my friend!