Spring Rain

When I was in my early twenties, back before the turn of the century, I was obsessed with a Crabtree & Evelyn fragrance called Spring Rain.

It smelled of no such thing, of course, but the phrase alone reminded me of walking in the rain with my favourite umbrella, amongst the brilliant green trees anchored in kelly green grass.

Spring is my favourite season — as the witnesses to my yearly countdown on Facebook will attest.  There is nothing I love more about being outdoors than taking in as much moist, rich air as I possibly can — as if I am taking in all the newly awakened life around me, feeling it settle into my blood, into my cells, rejuvenating me.

There is something about a spring rain that reminds me that even sadness can be wonderful, that out of every ending comes new beginnings, that some things that seemed lost forever will appear once more.

And each time I forget, the spring rain reminds me all over again.

This post was created as part of Two Writing Teachers’ Slice of Life Challenge

You can view other writers’ contributions via the comments here.


  • I love this so much! <3 Spring is such a beautiful reminder of newness and beauty. I hope you're able to sink deeply into spring this season.

  • I love spring and the promises it offers! Spring and summer are my favorite seasons. There is something quite comforting about a spring rain and the vibrant colors that come to life all after a season of dormancy!