
I miss my blog. I miss blogging. But I don’t want to provide material for the AI engine bots to scrape.

It’s not that I think I am the be-all and end-all. They scrape indiscriminately, regardless of quality. If there are words and images to harvest, they harvest them.

I don’t want to be harvested.

But I want to blog.

Could we please just go back to 2005 now?

New Baby in the House

I wasn’t ready.  But it wasn’t completely my fault.

Due to a slight mechanical malfunction (okay, not that slight — my car was not road-safe and it took two weeks to fix), I came home from the 82nd Annual Gathering of the Thoreau Society about a week later than I’d expected, and that ate up my precious preparation time.  So July 26 rolled around faster than I was ready, and so she came home to an unprepared house (and a less-prepared-than-I-liked me).

Today is the seventh day of Life with Louisa May Alcatt, and I truly adore her.  I think the feeling is mutual, because if I leave her sight, this adorable ball of fur turns into a rhythmically-screaming banshee.

But it’s funny how quickly I’d forgotten what life was like two years ago, when I brought home her big brother, A. Bronson Alcatt.  The climbing on my shoulders, the pouncing on the laptop keyboard, the wrapping around my ankles as I’m trying to keep a straight face on Zoom.

How did I forget all this?

I forgot because it’s worth every second.

Slice of Life Writing ChallengeThis post was created as part of Two Writing Teachers’ Slice of Life Challenge

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