When Summer Hits …

… it packs a punch.

The thing I love most about living along the Bay of Fundy is the way it moderates our weather here.  In the winter, while the rest of the province is getting pummeled with snow, the words “rain along the Fundy Coast” are music to my ears.  And in the summer, while people a mere fifteen-minute drive upriver are sweltering, life here is quite bearable.

So what the heck is happening this week?!

This afternoon, it was 30 deg C/ 86 deg F, but with the humidex, it was a “feels like” temperate of 40 deg C/104 deg F.  I know that compared to what is happening out on the west coast, this pales in comparison, but it’s just one more thing that is completely unrecognizable to me in this weird decade of the 2020s.

Anyone else of a certain age think we’re going to wake up to find Bobby Ewing in the shower, and the last year and a half was all a dream?

They always say that, while in the Maritimes, “If you don’t like the weather, just wait ten minutes.”

I’m still waiting.

By the air conditioner.

This post was created as part of Two Writing Teachers’ Slice of Life Challenge

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About the author

Karen J. McLean

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