(This post format is from The Simple Woman’s Daybook. I thought it was a great way to “take a snapshot” of my life today.)
Looking out my window … I see a lot more snow than I did last Tuesday.
I am thinking … about the creative writing courses I will be offering online shortly.
I am thankful … that I received my weekly injection this morning, so hopefully I will feel better in the morning. 🙂
One of my favorite things … is Ben & Jerry’s Chubby Hubby ice cream, which I last had in 2019. (Not available here in Canada. *pout*)
I am creating … some planner stickers this evening to fit my Passion Planners.
I am wearing… my pyjamas already. Don’t judge. 😉
This week, I am
reading … Do the Work by Steven Pressfield.
watching … bobobrains’ Sims 2 streams on Twitch
listening to… Duran Duran’s Big Thing and Liberty albums.
I am hoping… that my LottoMax ticket wins at least six figures in the draw tonight. Then I can install a special Door Dash slot and dumbwaiter and not have to go out to buy groceries until Spring.
I am learning … about OBS and streaming on Twitch, and video editing of Zoom sessions.
In my kitchen… you will find three cats intently watching the bird feeder.
Board Room: My “Well-Used Words” board on Pinterest.
Postscript: I fell in love with these amazing pottery dishes today.
Shared Quotation:
Write while the heat is in you. When the farmer burns a hole in his yoke, he carries the hot iron quickly from the fire to the wood, for every moment it is less effectual to penetrate it. It must be used instantly, or it is useless. The writer who postpones the recording of his thoughts uses an iron which has cooled to burn a hole with. He cannot inflame the minds of his audience.
—Henry David Thoreau, Journal, 10 February 1852
A moment from my day: I spent some time up at Rockwood Park this morning with this handsome fellow.
Closing Notes: I quite enjoyed this format! I think I will do it again sometime!
This post was created as part of Two Writing Teachers’ Slice of Life Challenge.
You can view other writers’ contributions via the comments here.
I always love posts like this, which give such an insightful glimpse into who you are as a writer and as a person.
I will ALSO say there is nothing wrong with an early change into PJ’s. There are worse things than shedding our workaday, outside world clothes for the comfort of home. I’m right with you!
Hi, Lainie! I just saw your comment now! Thank you so much. I, too, love learning about my fellow Slicers, and from now on if I put on my pyjamas before supper, I shall say. “Lainie said I could!” 🙂