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Karen J. McLean

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  • I have been in that spot more and more as I get older and my life quiets down. I have often made a list of possible ideas. The list seems to be enough for me. Thanks for posting even if it is short!

  • I like this post because it shows something we’ve all experienced…that of not knowing what to write. If you like Thoreau, I’d like to know what other environmental or transcendentalistic readings you enjoy. What books have you read lately that you could share with us? While I rarely am void of something to write about, I often wonder about the relevance of my writing to others. But, if I spent too much time thinking about that…I’d never write a word. I enjoy hearing from you…so write on!

    • I am very fond of the Transcendentalists of Concord, Massachusetts. My heart belongs to Thoreau, but I am also very fond of Emerson and Alcott and their entire circle. The philosophical, literary, and social circle of mid-19th-century Concord absolutely fascinates me! And one of the reasons I love your butterfly posts so much is because it makes me think Henry T. would enjoy them, too. 🙂

  • Ha! My post wasn’t too different than this one! It is SO hard to decide on something that feels slice-worthy on some Tuesdays, and yet, I ask students to do it all the time. Your picture is worth more than a thousand words!

    • Thank you so much, Melanie! That means a lot. I try to be as authentic as possible on my blog, and so I figured posting that was truly a slice of my life at that moment. Sometimes the Muse doesn’t want to be disturbed from her nap!

  • I feel this on such a deep level! Who hasn’t been there, waiting for something – anything – to come across the brain in the hopes of getting the writing machinery going?

    I’m going to share this post with my students. I often tell them that as writers, they don’t always have to have words at the ready. Your Slice, I think, will be validating for them. Thank you!

    • I am honoured, Lainie, that you are sharing this with your students. I especially enjoy encouraging young writers, and yes — knowing we adults aren’t always brimming with words can only be helpful, I think.

  • I think writing is like a test of faith, sometimes (like prayer, if you will). Even when you don’t feel like doing it…do it anyway. It opens doors. Sometime surprising ones. When I’ve taught workshops, I remind writers: If you show up for the writing, the writing will show up for you. It’s on its own schedule sometimes! I found your last line delightful: “I will post this anyway, and go read some Thoreau.” That will definitely prime the pump to get the flow going!

    • Thank you, Fran! Thoreau never fails me. That last line was written very much in the tone of “There. Good enough. Now I’m going to go do something FUN!”