Warning: Rough Road

This post was created as part of Two Writing Teachers’ Slice of Life Challenge

You can view other writers’ contributions via the comments here.

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Karen J. McLean

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  • I feel your pain. I am in complete agreement with the character in the comic strip! (Did you create her as well, b/c that is awesome!) I do believe there is light at the end of the tunnel . . . though the tunnel keeps getting extended. Keep the faith!

    • Hi, Maureen! Thanks! I’m sure I’ll be better in the morning. And no — I saw the comic strip on Facebook. Currently tracking down a source. It’s perfect.

  • It is MADDENING! I’m sooo frustrated of all we’ve given up in the past year (and we’re so lucky not to have lost what some have lost), only for others to run around living their lives as if there’s no pandemic. I keep seeing friends & acquaintances post about their trips and activities on Facebook and I’m just ready to scream. I’ve been at home, on a leave of absence, with a 2yo & 5yo all this time, and of course I want to live like things are normal, but they aren’t, and they’re not going to get better if others don’t care. I’ve wanted to write a post like this so many times and I just haven’t had the guts to do it. I loved your collage format – it’s so cool to see your handwriting and the snippets you included!

  • Hugs to you. My reserves are running low right now, too. We’re back to fully online learning again next week (this week is break) and my hopes of getting to my family reunion in the US this summer are fading. I love the comic you found. It’s perfect! Now, if only everyone would follow the rules – and may the vaccine come quickly!

  • This is such a frustrating situation, and a big part of that is how different people are–or are not–doing their parts. Alabama lifted its mask requirement this past Friday, and it saddens me to see the people who are relishing their new found “freedom” without regard to others. I’m sorry your trip was cancelled, and I hope it can be rescheduled soon.